Saturday, June 1, 2024

Wash Your Makeup Brushes!

I often get asked "How do I wash my makeup brushes"?

The best thing to do for washing your make up brushes is to use a very gentle cleanser, kind of like you're shampooing them. It helps to have a silicone brush or mat to rub them against, see below. Rinse them out very well, rub or squeeze them on a towel very gently to get the excess water out but to keep the original shape. Reshape them and lay them flat to dry, I use a special drying rack that I have dedicated to this but even just on the edge of a table is good, so they are sort of hanging off.  

A few favorite cleaners are:

Sonia Roselli Brush Soap

Rebels and Outlaws Brush Soap

The Masters Brush Soap

Dr Bronner Castile Soap, I like the lavender

This is the baking cooling rack I use for drying mine after washing. 

And if you really want to get pro about it I recommend this amazing little gadget from BrushDoc. Especially if you are a pro make up artist with lots of brushes to wash this is definitely worth the investment. I also love the companion soap that is sold with it.

If you have brushes with lots of waxy or greasy product you will want something to break that down, think foundation, concealer and lipstick. One of the industry standards is Cinema Secrets. The smell of it is a little intense for me so I found a alternative that I prefer.

This collapsible silicone dish is also a great addition to your brush washing tools.

And for sanitizing your brushes what you will need is 70% alcohol.

Want more next level brush washing tools and products, check out what one of my favorite brush lines Anisa Beauty carries. These products are especially consumer friendly -

💗 Fox & Doll

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