Monday, May 1, 2023

What Order Do You Put Your Skincare On?

So many people ask me what order to put skincare on in. My quick answer as a rule of thumb is to place the thinnest product on first and the thickest on last.

photo by Kristin Cofer

So serums first and creams last. And SPF is always last before makeup.

Daytime Skincare Routine Order: 

• Soothe Essence Serum

• C Serum

• Moisturizer 

• Eye Cream


• Primer

• Foundation

It’s sort of thinnest to thickest as a rule of thumb, but the primer definitely goes over everything else along with the foundation. Think of it as locking in your skincare. 

Evening Skincare Routine Order:

• Soothe Essence Serum

• Retinol (every other day or two)

• Beauty Oil

• Moisturizer 

• Eye Cream

Save these images for quick reference!

What other skincare and beauty product questions can I answer for you?

🖤 Fox & Doll

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